"This is where you place your Fusion Deck." "That means there can only be one Field Magic Play, your Field Magic Card is destroyed." "If your opponent Sets or activates a new Field "This is where you Set or activate Field Magic Which cards your opponent has already played!" "This can be very helpful because you'll know "During a Duel, you're allowed to check the "This is where you place destroyed Monster "Your deck must contain at least 40 cards."Ĭopies of each card, so don't think you can putĤ0 copies of the same card in your Deck!" "Obviously, you can't duel without a Deck." "Once you learn this, you're well on your way to "I'll teach you everything you need to know Y KJ Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1.

Y KJ Swords of Revealing Light ( Limited) ( latest status: Unlimited).Y KJ Right Leg of the Forbidden One ( Limited).Y KJ Right Arm of the Forbidden One ( Limited).Y KJ Pot of Greed ( Limited) ( latest status: Forbidden / Limited).Y KJ Mirror Force ( Limited) ( latest status: Unlimited).Y KJ Left Leg of the Forbidden One ( Limited).Y KJ Left Arm of the Forbidden One ( Limited).Y KJ Graceful Charity ( Limited) (latest status: Forbidden/ Limited).Y KJ Exodia the Forbidden One ( Limited).YKJ Change of Heart ( Limited) (latest status: Forbidden/ Limited).Y KJ Card Destruction ( Limited) (latest status: Forbidden/ Limited).A Y means it only can be won from Yugi's game, a K means it only can be won from Kaiba's game, while a J means it only can be won from Joey's game. Below is the alphabetical listing of the cards introduced in this game, which can also be optionally used in the following two.